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Our Birth Story (induction)

I received this birth story and knew I had to share it as soon as possible! Such a good induction hypnobirth from lovely hypno-superstars Jess and Tom who completed their Positive Birth Program with me very close to giving birth... Enjoy this one

Our bub was tracking a little small on growth scans. So although we encouraged him along up until the 39 week mark, we made the decision with our obstetrician to be induced and get him on the outside to fed him up a bit. 

We excitedly turned up to the hospital at 8pm, not quite sure what to expect of the evening ahead. We had prostin gels at 2030 Tuesday night and I started feeling pretty uncomfortable within 30mins. We probably started properly labouring by 10pm, but I was too scared to ask if I was in labour or if these were 'just pristine pains' they had warned us about, because they were already quite intense. We decided to jump in the shower and start breathing and listening to our hypnobirth tracks. My husband Tom just keep reiterating the affirmations for me for the next few hours and some how half the night passed. At some point I felt I was not coping, and started jumping to the conclusion I needed pain relief maybe an epidural. However, Tom reminded me we had heaps of other options before that point, and maybe using some gas would help. This seemed much more reasonable, and by then the midwives felt an assessment was appropriate. We were 6cm dilated! What a productive few hours. That was the little bit of feedback I needed to get through the next bit. We also moved from our ward room to the birth suite at this point and I got in the bath. This was heaven! I used the gas a bit for the next surges, but I think mainly it gave me something to hold on to and focus on, as they steadily got stronger. The bath was great, but only last about 30min-1hr before I felt like I needed to poo. The midwives called our obstetrician who asked for another assessment and we were fully dilated. At this stage the involuntary pushing began. We ended up delivering on all 4s on the bed, with me leaning over the back and gripping on to Tom. Second stage wasn't too long, and with a bit of pushing he arrived at sunrise. And guess what.. intact perineum! 

Although there were quite a few moments I thought I need something more to help me with the surges, Tom said I looked so calm from the outside. We think the hypnobirthing really helped us relax between contractions. I was distracted by focusing on the breathing, I had no time to worry about anything else and I was able to feel confident my support team were looking after me. We had the tracks playing constantly which just kept me calm (conditioning I guess!). We really had a great experience and are so grateful for a happy, healthy mum and bub. Thanks Nic!


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We are living and working on the sacred and unceded lands of the Larrakia People of the Larrakia Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. 

We acknowledge their connection to the land and waterways that we are so grateful to share.  

We are living amongst the oldest civilisation on our planet who have always cared for these lands- have met, danced, told stories, and survived colonization. We are indebted to them and their knowledge. We are here to listen and learn. 

Mind, bump    & birth

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