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Emma's Positive Birth

I received this lovely email just the other day, and I taught Emma back in 2017, so it was a lovely surprise to hear about this beautiful birth. Enjoy this beautiful story of number 2 baby, N.

Hi Nicole,

I wanted to touch base and share my news that my 2nd little hypnobub arrived on Sunday! It was the most amazing, empowering birth. After attending your course in Darwin and having my 1st son in 2017, i revised all the materials and put in lots of practice over the past 6 months in preparation for baby number 2. So i wanted to thank you so much again, for the 2nd time :)

Here is my story!

I woke up on Friday night to some surges, I didn’t take much notice and slept between them. I had a little blood when i wiped after a wee on Saturday morning. Throughout the day on Saturday i had more surges, stronger now but i was still able to continue on with my day, playing in the pool and enjoying the sunshine with 3 year old. The surges started coming a bit more frequently in the evening but still had no real pattern to them.. after losing some mucous plug i decided to send my 3 year old for a sleepover at my friends house to allow me to fully relax and know he was taken care of should anything start during the night. Almost as soon as he was out the door the surges started coming a lot more frequently. They continued thru the night, and I slept between them.

In the early hours of the morning i could no longer stay lying down thru the surges so stood beside my bed or went on all 4s. I breathed thru them, counting up to 8 imaging myself rising up on a wave, and then breathing out to 8 as the wave subsided. I got out of bed at 7am, ate a small breakfast and went for a short walk with my partner, stopping to lean on him and breathe thru the surges as they came.

I laboured on my birth ball at home and then laying on my bed for a while, using my tens machine and listening to my hypnobirth tracks. I had a shower, then started feeling a bit shakey and my chin was quivering so i added my last few things to my hospital bag and we set off. I knelt in the back seat of the car, again using my breath, counting and wave visualisation to get thru each surge, as well as repeating my mantra in my head “calm, confident and in control”.

We arrived at hospital around 11am. We got to our room, then went up the hall to another room to get into the bath. I started involuntary bearing down at 12pm and was asked to get out of the bath and back to my room. With a history of shoulder dystocia and pp haemorrhage at my 1st birth, my midwife wanted me back in the room to deliver my baby. My waters broke just after i got out of the bath at 12.10pm. I made it to my room, knelt at the end of the bed and with one leg in a lunge, pushed our precious baby girl into the world! She was born on Sunday 10th January 2021 at 12.25pm, 3.84kg of pure perfection!! She was passed up between my legs and started crying after a good back rub in my arms.. she was a little bit stunned having arrived so quickly! I had 2 small grazes and a minor tear, no stitches required.. It was the perfect spontaneous, unmedicated and intervention free birth I had planned and prepared for. Not so much as one vaginal exam was performed during labour, no directed pushing and just an all round amazing experience! I am so proud of myself and our perfect little girl. We are adjusting great as a family of four and could not be happier!

Thank you so much again Nicole, hypnobirthing really has been the best thing I could ever have done in preparation for having my babies!!


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We are living and working on the sacred and unceded lands of the Larrakia People of the Larrakia Nation. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. 

We acknowledge their connection to the land and waterways that we are so grateful to share.  

We are living amongst the oldest civilisation on our planet who have always cared for these lands- have met, danced, told stories, and survived colonization. We are indebted to them and their knowledge. We are here to listen and learn. 

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